You, your brand and your vision

I represent, I analyze, I accompany you on the walk "behind the scenes" and create a new overall concept. The goal is to position your brand in such a way to obtain proximity to the customer as well as visibility and presence in the German-speaking market.

My personal promise: Loyalty and consistency, fruitful networking and sincere dedication.

Sales & Distribution

Services that matter - DACH Market

Personal Support & Contact with all relevant tourism partners

Representation at Trade Fairs,
Roadshows and Events

Training of Travel Agents, Sales Teams and Product Managers - personally, via Webinar or Video Calls

Product Management on project basis, Planning & Idea conception

Coordination of image and text databases of my Cooperation Partners

Consulting & Dynamic Leadership Management


Market Analyses

Development of Communication trategies

Brand positioning & Cross-marketing activities

My Portfolio

The philosophy and the core of a company are important for the product it offers. My view of tourism and its development is quite critical, because for me the issue of sustainability plays a very special role. The fair treatment of partners, guests and suppliers as well as innovations to minimize the ecological footprint do foster sustainability. But also responsibility and training of employees and projects that support a sustainable society prepare the right way for an ecological balance.
My portfolio contains only partners who meet these criteria and who, in addition to nature and animal protection, are also committed to sustainable agriculture and the support of local communities.


    (Former Head of Division Fernreisen REWE Touristik)

    Dear Muriel, regarding our cooperation I only say: ALWAYS AGAIN! 
    Your Ex-Boss


    I have experienced Muriel Sadek as a committed colleague who questions things and thinks outside the box. As Destination Director at FTI Group, she was responsible for the strategic development and growth of the Indian Ocean and Africa regions and also provided significant support for hotel purchasing. Her excellent knowledge of destinations combined with her professionalism make her a successful product manager. Working with her was fun and she was a reliable employee.

  • MARK RUSHMERE Director Kariega Game Reserve

    I have known Muriel for many years and she is highly respected and extremely experienced in the tourism industry.

    We met about 15 years ago when she was a Product Director at Private Safaris in Cape Town. We immediately struck up a good relationship and she was very instrumental in helping our family owned Kariega Game Reserve become more entrenched and successful in the tourism industry.  She recognized Kariega as one of the leading Eastern Cape game reserves. After doing a site inspection of Kariega, she sent me extensive and highly accurate feedback – to date her feedback is still the best I have ever received from a Tour Operator – it was absolutely spot-on and exactly how we would describe our own product!  I was therefore hugely impressed with Muriel’s very accurate and honest observations.

    Muriel is very professional and experienced and has a passion for travel.  She doesn’t beat around the bush and is easy going, friendly and gets on very well with people, which is such an important trait in the tourism industry.

And if there's still something missing...

Never hesitate to ask me. I have an extensive network of colleagues and partners from all kinds of industries with whom I have enjoyed working for many years - whenever special requests and solutions outside my own portfolio are required.

Contact me